What is EMsculpt® Neo? EMsculpt® Neo is a non-invasive body-sculpting treatment that burns fat and builds muscle. Also called body contouring, body-sculpting procedures improve the appearance of your body by reducing areas of stubborn fat, resulting in a slimmer, more sculpted body. EMsculpt® Neo is FDA-approved for eliminating body fat and increasing muscle tone in many areas of the...
VIEW SERVICEServices Archives
A European facial is a comprehensive treatment that provides a thorough, deep cleansing of the face and neck.
VIEW SERVICEUnder local anesthesia, your Forefront Dermatologist removes the visible cancerous tumor along with a surrounding border of presumably normal looking skin as a safety margin. The skin around the surgical site is then closed with stitches and the tissue is sent to a lab to determine whether all cancerous cells have been removed.
VIEW SERVICEWhat Are Extractions? As we go about our busy lives, our skin gets clogged with dead skin cells, excess oils, and debris – all of which can cause breakouts. Facial or acne extractions are the process of clearing your clogged pores, either manually or through mechanical means. Manual extraction uses a person’s fingers, while mechanical extraction uses a metal tool...
VIEW SERVICEWhat are eyelash extensions? Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent fibers that are attached to your natural eyelashes to make them look fuller and longer. The extensions are applied directly to your natural eyelashes (one extension per natural eyelash) using a semi-permanent glue. Each lash is only applied to an existing lash – never the skin. Depending on the look you want...
VIEW SERVICEYour face is the first thing that people see when interacting with you in social settings. If you are dissatisfied with the way you look, you may consider facial enhancements to boost your confidence and self-esteem. Motivations for choosing facial surgery range from reconstructive purposes, to rejuvenating an aging face, to attaining an aesthetic ideal. No matter the reason, Forefront’s...
VIEW SERVICEAs we age, our skin begins to loosen and sag. We may start to see deepening wrinkles around the notes and mouth and develop jowls and loose tissue at the neck. Overall, the plumpness of a youthful face begins to thin and settle lower on the face. For some, genetics, environmental exposures, and prolonged sun damage accelerate this process. A...
VIEW SERVICEA facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck.
VIEW SERVICEWhat Is a Facial? A facial is a set of skin care treatments that cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish your skin to keep it as healthy and youthful-looking as possible. At Forefront Dermatology, we take great care to make your facial a soothing, relaxing experience as well, rejuvenating you along with your skin. What Types of Facials Are There? Our basic...
VIEW SERVICEFat grafting allows you to use your own body to add volume in the face, smooth lines and wrinkles, tighten sagging skin and refresh your look. Learn more about how fat grafting is used in a rhytidectomy—also known as a facelift.
VIEW SERVICEWhat are the most common signs of aging skin? Wrinkles are the lines, folds, and creases that form in your skin over time. The first noticeable signs of fine lines and wrinkles usually develop where your skin is the thinnest and least elastic. Since we all age differently, not everyone will experience the same signs of aging. These are some...
VIEW SERVICEForever Young BBL is an innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage.
VIEW SERVICEFraxel Laser is a non-invasive laser treatment that provides safe and reliable results to the skin. It helps repair sun damage and fades uneven skin tone, freckles and age spots.
VIEW SERVICEFraxel Laser is a non-invasive laser treatment that provides safe and reliable results to the skin. It helps repair sun damage and fades uneven skin tone, freckles and age spots.
VIEW SERVICEFraxel® Dual 1550nm Laser is excellent for acne scarring and fine lines, dullness and weathered appearance of sun-damaged skin, Fraxel is a safe, effective, with very little downtime.
VIEW SERVICEGender affirmation surgery—also known as gender affirmation, gender affirming, gender reassignment or sex reassignment surgery—is designed to alter a patient’s physical appearance to give them the outer appearance and functional abilities of the gender they know they are. Although it is not a requirement for gender affirmation, gender affirmation surgery is often an important part of an individual’s transition process,...
VIEW SERVICEGenesis Laser is designed to reduce the appearance of excessive redness/rosacea, large pores, uneven texture and fine lines and wrinkles.
VIEW SERVICEGenital warts are a common infection that is transmitted through sexual contact with someone who is infected with the human papillomavirus, also known as HPV. Genital warts can appear alone or in groups. They appear, as the name indicates, in the genital areas of both men and women and look like the common warts that appear elsewhere: that is, small,...
VIEW SERVICEMany people, both women and men, have unwanted hair. The GentleYAG Laser system delivers laser energy through a small device held by the practitioner. It functions by delivering a narrow, intense beam of light that is then absorbed by the skin and converted to heat which is absorbed by the cells in the specific targeted area of the face or...
VIEW SERVICEWhat Is Glycolic Acid? Glycolic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that chemically exfoliates the skin by dissolving dead skin cells and oils. You may be familiar with other alpha hydroxy acids, such as citric acid or lactic acid. However, glycolic acid is different. Glycolic acid, which is derived from sugar cane, can remove the top layer...
VIEW SERVICEWhat is Gynecomastia surgery? Gynecomastia surgery is male breast reduction surgery. Men suffering from gynecomastia have enlarged breasts that can not be improved through diet or exercise. If you have this condition, you may be self-conscious about your chest’s appearance. Male breast reduction surgery can restore the chest to a tighter, flatter, more masculine appearance.
VIEW SERVICEHalo® combines two laser wavelengths to get rid of brown spots and other color defects, as well as smooth out skin and give it a youthful, healthy glow.
VIEW SERVICEA hemangioma, also known as a strawberry mark, is a type of birthmark that is almost always benign and disappears by the age of 10. Hemangiomas rarely require any medical treatment; however, in some cases, medical intervention may be warranted if the hemangioma presents a cosmetic challenge (large and visible), or if it starts to change shape or color or...
VIEW SERVICEWhat Are Cold Sores? “Cold sore” is a general term for an oral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. Also known as fever blisters or oral herpes, cold sores are fluid-filled blisters that appear on, around, or inside your mouth. After the blisters break, scabs form that can last for several days. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for cold...
VIEW SERVICEHidradenitis Suppurativa is a chronic, systemic condition where an overactive immune system contributes to inflammation below the skin. Symptoms of Hidradenitis Suppurativa may include multiple nodules and abscesses, inflammation in the dermis, malodorous discharge, sinus tracts, scarring, ulceration, and infection.
VIEW SERVICEPtosis, also known as eyelid hooding or hooding of the eye, is a condition where the upper eyelid droops over the eye. This can occur due to age, genetics, injury, or certain medical conditions. For some, ptosis is a cosmetic concern, while for others, it can interfere with vision, making everyday activities challenging. Patients with hooding of the eye may...
VIEW SERVICEHydraFacial is a safe and gentle procedure that cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates skin.
VIEW SERVICEPerspiration is the body’s way of regulating the temperature in cases of extreme heat. Hyperhidrosis occurs when the perspiration is excessive and when temperature regulation triggers do not exist. Hyperhidrosis most often affects the: Palms Soles of the feet Groin area UnderarmsHyperhidrosis can cause nuisances such as the need to change clothing, but can also have a devastating effect in...
VIEW SERVICEWhat is impetigo? Impetigo is a very contagious skin infection. It commonly affects children between the ages of two and six, although it’s possible for older children and adults to get impetigo. What causes impetigo? A bacterial infection causes impetigo. Bacteria enter the skin through a scrape, cut, or insect bite and cause an impetigo infection in the skin’s top...
VIEW SERVICEIngrown nails occur when a nail grows into rather than over the surrounding flesh. Ingrown nails occur most often in the big toe. Ingrown nails are a common condition that can become extremely painful and could become infected unless proper treatment is sought. The overwhelming majority of ingrown nail cases are due to improper footwear, specifically, cramped shoes with insufficient...
VIEW SERVICEIPL photofacial is a 30-minute procedure used to reduce redness and age lines.
VIEW SERVICEWhat Is Juvéderm®? Juvéderm® is the brand name for a collection of dermal fillers that are used to improve the signs of aging. Each Juvéderm® option contains hyaluronic acid and has a smooth, gel-like consistency. The different fillers are tailored to target specific signs of aging on the skin. What Does Juvéderm® Treat? Whether you want to plump, add volume,...
VIEW SERVICEWhat is the KTP laser? Keep your skin care goals in the green with the KTP laser, a green light laser that effectively treats facial redness, broken capillaries, rosacea, and more. The KTP laser is the most powerful green light laser on the market, with a single wavelength that easily absorbs into and corrects coloration of the skin.
VIEW SERVICEKybella® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment for double chin or chin fat removal, thereby improving your profile.