Neck Lift

What is a neck lift?

A neck lift is an anti-aging surgery that corrects sagging, wrinkled skin on the neck. Neck lifts are frequently performed with face lifts since we can use the same incision near the ears. If you’re not ready for a face lift but want to reduce excess skin and fat around your jawline or delay the dreaded “turkey neck” as you age, a neck lift may be a good solution.

If you’re considering a neck lift, you may come across the term “platysmaplasty” as well. While the two procedures are technically different, most neck lifts do include a platysmaplasty (a technique that tightens the platysma muscle in the neck) for optimal results.


What can a neck lift treat?

The neck does not usually respond to diet or exercise, making it a problem area for many. A neck lift can significantly change your profile and jawline, giving you tighter, younger-looking skin. Neck lifts are also used to treat:

• Excess fat and relaxed skin in the lower face, which may cause jowls to form
• Loose neck skin due to age or weight loss
• Horizontal lines of skin (also known as neck bands)
• Excess fatty deposits under the chin
• Visible signs of aging in the neck or jaw area

Keep in mind, a neck lift does not stop the aging process or change your fundamental appearance. However, if you feel that years of living (and gravity!) have taken their toll on your lower face and neck, a neck lift could work for you.

How should I prepare for a neck lift?

Neck lift surgery typically takes place in a surgical facility or hospital. Before your neck lift, the surgeon may ask you to prepare by:

• Undergoing a medical evaluation to ensure it is safe to perform the procedure
• Taking certain medications or adjusting your current medications (you must avoid taking any medications that can increase bleeding, such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs)
• No smoking

What happens during a neck lift?

The surgery itself takes several hours, during which the surgeon makes small incisions around and behind your ear and under your chin. After tightening the muscles in your neck and removing extra skin and fat, the surgeon closes the incisions and applies a pressure dressing around your head and underneath your chin.
The surgeon may place drainage tubes in your neck to drain away any fluid or blood, and they may also prescribe antibiotics to help keep the incisions uninfected.

What results can I expect from neck lift surgery?

You’ll likely have swelling and bruising after a neck lift, which may take several weeks to resolve. You may also experience a feeling of tightness around your neck during this time. Most patients begin to see results once the swelling and bruising subside.

What are the risks associated with neck lift surgery?

Some of the risks associated with neck lift surgery include scarring, infection, bleeding, pain, nerve injury, skin loss, and temporary hair loss at the incision site.

What is a non-surgical neck lift?

Not interested in the downtime or risks that come with surgery? Forefront Dermatology offers many non-surgical options with far less recovery time. For instance, injectables like BOTOX® can be used on neck bands to relax muscles and reduce wrinkles. Dermal fillers can restore lost volume to the skin, while laser treatments and microneedling can boost collagen production and rejuvenate skin.

How much does a neck lift cost?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a neck lift is over $5,500, plus anesthesia, operating room fees, and other expenses. Ask your Forefront dermatologist about non-surgical neck lift options, which are often a more budget-friendly alternative but still deliver great results.

Need a neck lift but not interested in surgery? Book a consultation with our skin care expert today.

Interested in Neck Lift? Request a consultation with a skin specialist today.

*Treatment options may vary at each location.
Please confirm your desired treatment is offered at your preferred location when scheduling.
*Age Restriction.
For patients scheduling who are under 18 years of age (19 in Alabama) please make sure you have permission from your parent or legal guardian to schedule this appointment.  Your parent or legal guardian must accompany you on your initial visit and on certain subsequent visits to provide appropriate informed consent.

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