Profound® Anti-Aging Treatment
Anti-Aging Treatment with Profound®
A single treatment that creates elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid—building blocks to keep your skin smooth and elastic. No toxins, fillers or surgery. Improves aging skin, to reduce the signs of aging.
Creates younger skin. Profoundly.
Profound is a revolutionary new energy-based facial treatment designed to create new elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid – the building blocks that keep your skin smooth and elastic. All without surgery, fillers or toxins, Profound dramatically improves aging skin, so you can look years younger.
What is the effect of a lack of elastin and collagen as we age?
Starting in our mid 20s, elastin starts to break down, becoming less elastic and losing its spring. Think of a lumpy mattress as the springs become old and lose their ability to recoil.
What is the best method to build elastin and collagen?
Profound is a clinically-proven treatment that builds elastin and collagen. By carefully heating the skin’s elastin and collagen to an exact temperature for an exact amount of time, Profound leads to the creation of new elastin and collagen to repair aging skin.
What is the Profound procedure like?
Profound is a quick, single treatment performed in a physician’s office, usually in 45 minutes or less. Your doctor will provide a local anesthetic to manage comfort. The system delivers precise temperatures to the deeper skin layers, exactly where the energy being delivered is most beneficial.
Is a Profound treatment right for me?
Ideal candidates for Profound are people who are seeking to reduce the signs of aging. In clinical studies, Profound treatments had a 100% response rate for wrinkles and a 95% response rate for skin laxity.
Collagen levels in skin decrease as people age
Results of Profound® Treatment
What signs of aging can be treated with Profound?
- Profound Lift:
To treat sagging jowls and loose skin under the neck - Profound Contour:
To define the jawline (double chins) - Profound Smooth:
To treat other areas of loose skin
Profound Patient FAQs
What is Profound?
Profound is a revolutionary new energy-based facial treatment designed to create new elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid – the building blocks that keep your skin smooth and elastic. Without surgery, fillers or toxins, Profound dramatically improves aging skin.
What is elastin?
Elastin is what makes your skin, heart, lungs, and many other tissues elastic so that they can snap back into shape after stretching or contracting
Why is elastin important?
Elastin works together in your skin with collagen. Elastin provides elasticity and collagen (another protein in your skin) provides structure to keep your skin smooth and firm.
What is the effect of a lack of elastin as we age?
Starting in our mid 20s, elastin starts to break down, become less elastic, and lose its spring. Think of a lumpy mattress as the springs become old and lose their ability to recoil.
How do you build new elastin?
Elastin is normally no longer made after puberty and aging begins. In order to build new elastin, you need to cause a certain amount of damage to the skin by heating for example, so that the elastin starts to break down. Then a healing process can begin to build new elastin.
What is the best method to build elastin and collagen?
Profound is clinically proven* to build elastin. By carefully heating the skin’s elastin and collagen to an exact temperature for an exact amount of time, Profound leads to the creation of new elastin and collagen to repair aging skin.
What signs of aging can be treated with Profound?
- Profound Lift: To treat sagging jowls and loose skin under the neck
- Profound Contour: To define the jawline (double chins)
- Profound Smooth: To treat other areas of loose skin
What is the Profound procedure like?
Profound is a quick, single treatment performed in a physician’s office, usually in 45 minutes or less. Your doctor will provide a local anesthetic to manage comfort. The system delivers energy to the deeper skin layers exactly where treatment is most beneficial.
Is Profound safe?
Profound® has an excellent safety record. As with any procedure, you should make sure your physician is experienced in performing Profound treatments.
How many Profound treatments will I need?
You will only need 1 treatment to rejuvenate your skin with Profound. There is no need to schedule multiple office visits in order to achieve optimum results.
How long will the results last?
The Profound® treatment promotes natural production of new elastin and collagen and other components of healthy skin over time. Most patients report seeing improvement 6-8 weeks post treatment. Because new elastin and collagen require time to fully develop, optimal results will not be observed for at least 3-6 months after treatment. However, there are a number of factors that will determine how long you can expect the results to last, including your health, age, and how you care for your skin after the treatment.
What can I expect after my procedure?
After the treatment, you can expect to return to normal activities the next day. Any minor redness, swelling or bruising resulting from treatment can typically be covered with makeup within 24-48 hours.
Is a Profound treatment right for me?
Ideal candidates for Profound are people who are seeking to reduce the signs of aging. In clinical studies, Profound treatments had a 100% response rate for wrinkles and a 95% response rate for skin laxity.**
Interested in Profound® Anti-Aging? Request a consultation with a skin specialist today.
*Treatment options may vary at each location.Please confirm your desired treatment is offered at your preferred location when scheduling. *Age Restriction.
For patients scheduling who are under 18 years of age (19 in Alabama) please make sure you have permission from your parent or legal guardian to schedule this appointment. Your parent or legal guardian must accompany you on your initial visit and on certain subsequent visits to provide appropriate informed consent.