August is national psoriasis awareness month. Chances are if you or someone you know doesn’t suffer from psoriasis then you most likely do not know a lot about this skin condition. While psoriasis isn’t contagious, awareness is:
125 Million – the number of people affected by psoriasis worldwide
7.5 Million – the number of people affected by psoriasis in the United States
Scaling, itching, thick red skin – the most common symptoms of psoriasis
10 to 30 – the percentage of psoriasis patients that experience arthritis symptoms as a result of their condition
Scalp, Knees, Elbows, Hands and Feet – the most common areas on the body where psoriasis occurs
15 to 35 – the average age range where people have their first psoriasis outbreak
60 – the percentage of people with psoriasis who reported their disease is a large problem in their everyday life
26 – the average number of work days missed in a year by a psoriasis patient as a result of their illness
10% – the likelihood of a child developing psoriasis if one of his or her parents is affected by it
50% – the likelihood of a child developing psoriasis if both parents are affected by it
0 – the number of cures for psoriasis
While psoriasis has no cure there is hope for a cure. Researchers are studying psoriasis now more than ever before. They now have a strong understanding of the genetic causes of psoriasis and how it affects the immune system. While there is no cure, there is an abundance of excellent treatment options to control or manage your psoriasis and its symptoms.
Skin Struggles?
If you are struggling with psoriasis or other skin issues and don’t know where to turn, the skin health experts at Forefront Dermatology are ready to help. To find the Forefront dermatologist nearest you, visit the locations page today.