If you are suffering from acne breakouts, we understand that you’ve probably spent countless dollars on acne treatments that promise to help clear your skin, regardless of your age or the severity your breakouts. At Forefront Dermatology, our expert skincare experts understand that acne can take a toll on not only your physical well-being, but your emotional health as well.
Dr. Rachel Ade Koziczkowski, a board-certified dermatologist with Forefront Dermatology in Moline, Illinois, recommends, “You do not have to live with acne, regardless of your age, your history, or the severity of your symptoms. We recommend the following preventative measures you can take to clear up your skin, but if you need further assistance, your board-certified acne specialists at Forefront Dermatology are here to help!”
These tips below are the top ways that you can prevent an acne breakout:
- Keep your Face Clean
One of the biggest causes of acne is dirt and oil that builds up and gets trapped under your skin to clog your pores and grow bacteria. Washing your face with an oil-free, gently exfoliating cleanser two times per day will help to remove this dirt, oil, and any dead skin cells that could become trapped in your pores and clog them.
- Moisturize
If you’ve turned to acne products to control breakouts, most of these products contain ingredients that dry out the skin such as peroxide that can zap your skin of the moisture it needs. Apply a light moisturizer to you skin after fully cleansing that contains glycerin or hyaluronic acid. This will keep moisture locked in your skin to prevent redness, drying, and flaking. - Use Makeup Sparingly and Select Acne Friendly Products
Makeup can trap dirt under the skin and trap oil and bacteria in your pores. If you are going to use makeup, select products that are oil-free and non-comedogenic, so it will not trap dirt and oil in your pores. In addition, when you apply or remove makeup, you are transferring dirt and oil from your hands to your face. When you apply makeup, be sure to thoroughly remove it at night with and gentle face cleanser to fully remove anything that may be clogging your pores. - Be Careful about Products You Use in Your Hair
Be careful about the products that you are using in your hair. Your shampoo, conditioner, gels, and other hair products can contain oils, fragrance, and chemicals that can irritate skin and cause breakouts on your forehead, jaw, neck, and back. Organic products without added chemicals, oils, and fragrance may also provide a lightweight wash and a natural smell without causing breakouts. - Don’t Touch Your Face or Pop Pimples
Your hands are a constant source of dirt, bacteria, and oil, and when you touch your face, these elements are transferred to your skin and can cause acne. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse your hands with soap when you do need to touch your face. As tempting as it can be, do not try to pop pimples. - Stay Out of the Sun
The sun’s ultraviolet rays can increase inflammation and redness, and can cause dark discoloration. Some acne medications may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Limit your time in the sun, especially between the hours of 10 AM to 4 PM, regardless of the season. Whether you have acne or not, always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher that is specially designed for your face with oil-free ingredients. - Change Your Pillow Cases and Sheets Once a Week
All of the dirt, old, dead skin cells and sweat are sloughing off onto your pillow and your sheets at nighttime as you are sleeping, particularly if you are not washing your face off before bed. Save the money you are spending on expensive nighttime face and acne creams and simply change your pillowcase to allow your face a clean place to lie at night free of acne-breeding dirt and bacteria. - Avoid Stress and Get Exercise
If you are struggling with acne, try to literally not “sweat” the small stuff. Stress has been proven to increase breakouts, so try to find natural ways to decrease ways to exercise and get your blood flowing. Exercise can help you reduce stress, just be sure to thoroughly shower and cleanse skin after exercising and sweating. - Eat Healthy
While there is not a clear link between acne and diet, many skincare experts agree that eating certain foods and avoiding others can significantly improve your skin. Enjoy a diet free of excess sugar, while adding healthy foods to your diet such as foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and healthy greens, like kale and salmon.
Living with Acne: How Can We Help?
If you or a family member is dealing with acne, there are many effective treatments we can offer. Find the Forefront physician nearest you to learn about treatment options and lifestyle changes that can help prevent flare-ups and eliminate acne.