If you are reading this, chances are you are pregnant or are hoping to become pregnant. With pregnancy comes changes to your skin. You may see a sudden glow on your face or pink lines on your stomach. No two pregnancies are alike, and not all women will experience the same skin changes.
Below is a list of common skin changes women experience during pregnancy:
Stretch Marks
What is it?
According to Dr. Giacomo Maggiolino, board-certified dermatologist with Forefront Dermatology, “Stretch marks are one of the most mentioned skin changes during pregnancy. Studies have shown that up to 90% of pregnant women will experience stretch marks. The abrupt pregnancy change causes the collagen and elastin in your skin to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks can appear. They may show as pink or red lines in any portion of your body. For pregnant women these lines commonly occur on the stomach and breasts but can also occur on the hips and legs.”
What Can You Do?
Most people question how they can possibly get rid of stretch marks. “Unfortunately, like any scar, stretch marks are permanent but there are treatments that make them less noticeable including at-home creams and skin professional provided treatments including chemical peels and PRP therapy,” noted Dr. Maggiolino.
What is it?
Melasma is also known as the mask of pregnancy. It causes dark splotchy spots on your face, commonly appearing on your forehead and cheeks. When you become pregnant your body produces more hormones, which can cause and increase in pigmentation, leading to melasma.
What Can You Do?
“To prevent melasma, regularly wear an SPF30 sunscreen and keep your face covered with a hat when outdoors,” added Dr. Maggiolino. “Your skin is extra sensitive during pregnancy, and exposure to the sun increases your chances of these dark spots showing up.”
Pregnancy Glow
What is it?
When you are pregnant, your body produces 50% more blood, resulting in more blood circulation throughout your body. This increase in blood causes your face to appear brighter. Your body is also producing more hormones that cause an increase in oil gland production. Both of these can result in a pregnancy glow.
What Can You Do?
If your skin becomes too oily, use an oil free cleanser.
What is it?
“If you have a problem with acne before becoming pregnant, your acne may become more irritated during pregnancy,” commented Dr. Maggiolino. “The extra hormones cause your body to increase oil production, leading to more breakouts.”
What Can You Do?
Maintain a strict cleansing routing. Wash your face both morning and night and follow up with an oil free moisturizer.
Dry, Itchy Abdomen
What is it?
As your belly grows, your skin stretches and tightens. This causes very uncomfortable dryness and itching. If you begin to experience severe itching late in your pregnancy, you should contact your doctor as it could be a sign of cholestatis, a severe liver problem.
What Can You Do?
To help alleviate your dry, itchy abdomen, you should keep your abdomen moisturized. You can also use an anti-itch cream to provide additional relief.
Skin Tags
What is it?
Skin tags are very small, loose growths of skin that usually appear under your arms and breasts.
What Can You Do?
After pregnancy your skin tags may disappear. If they do not, speak to your board-certified dermatologist about removal options.
Skin Struggles?
At Forefront Dermatology, we know that life is all about the moments when you don’t need us. That’s why we’re here for all the moments when you do. We offer comprehensive and compassionate care for all skin conditions and create customized treatment plans for all stages and ages – even the tiniest of patients! Find a location near you today.