10 Facts About Sunscreen In the immortal words of every dermatologist anywhere, ever and Baz Luhrmann, “Wear sunscreen.” (It’s OK if you don’t remember that song. Even people who do remember that song would rather they didn’t.) The fact remains that sun protection, particularly the daily application of sunscreen, is the best way to prevent damage caused by UV radiation – including fine lines, leathering and skin cancer. And, if facts are you sort of thing, here are 10 more that are sure to encourage you to slather on the sunscreen.
- Anyone can benefit from using sunscreen because anyone can get skin cancer, regardless of race, age or gender.
- Apply sunscreen anytime you’re outside. Whether summer or winter, cloudy or clear, you can still get sunburn.
- Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect from UVA and UVB rays. UVB radiation causes sunburn, while UVA radiation is responsible for the telltale signs of aging like wrinkling, sagging and leathering.
- Sun Protection Factor (SPF) measures a sunscreen’s ability to block out UVB rays only.
- A moisturizing sunscreen of SPF 30 is great for daily use. If your only sun exposure is a few minutes each day walking to and from your car, this will keep your skin protected.
- Choose a your sunscreen based on exposure. If you work outdoors or plan on lounging poolside, use a water-resistant sunscreen with a higher SPF value.
- Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before planned sun exposure. This allows the UV-blocking ingredients to fully absorb into the skin.
- Sunscreens expire. The FDA requires that sunscreens remain effective for at least 3 years. If there’s an expiration date stamped on the bottle, don’t use it past that date.
- Use 1 oz. of sunscreen for a full-body application. Be generous with the sunscreen; use about a shot glass-worth to cover all exposed body parts.
- There’s no such thing as waterproof sunscreen. Sunscreens can be labeled “water-resistant” (effective for up to 40 minutes in water) or “very water-resistant” (effective for up to 80 minutes in water). Either way, frequent reapplication is necessary.
Need more convincing reasons to wear sunscreen? Visit the skin care experts at Forefront Dermatology. To find the Forefront physician nearest you, visit the Locations page today.