Medical Services Archives


What Is Acne? According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), acne is the most common skin disorder, and it affects up to 50 million people in the United States each year. Most people develop acne symptoms as teenagers, but it can also develop in adulthood. The AAD estimates that 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24...

Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis, also called solar keratosis or senile keratosis, is characterized by thick, scaly or crusty patches or lesions on the skin, usually on areas that receive excessive sun exposure, such as the face, ears, neck, lips, forearms and the back of the hands. It is considered a precancerous skin condition. Actinic keratoses develop in range reaching to a quarter...

Age Spot

What Are Age Spots? Age spots are small, flat dark areas on your skin that can vary in size. They usually appear on parts of your body that are more exposed to the sun, such as your face, shoulders, hands, and arms. Age spots are also called sunspots or liver spots, although they have nothing to do with your liver....

Alopecia Areata (Hair Loss)

Alopecia areata (hair loss) is an autoimmune skin disease that results in the loss of hair on the body. The autoimmune process is characterized by the body’s own immune system attacking hair follicles. The three types of alopecia areata are: Alopecia areata – skin loses hair in round sections of varying size Alopecia areata totalis – complete loss of hair...

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is fungal infection that affects the skin between the toes. This form of ringworm is also contagious and can be spread to toenails and hands. Athlete’s foot impacts athletes and non-athletes alike, as well as men and women of all ages and races.

Basal Cell Carcinoma

What Are Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancers? Basal and squamous cell skin cancers are the most common types of skin cancer. Both start in the top layer of your skin (the epidermis). These cancers are usually found in areas exposed to the sun – such as your head, face, neck, and arms – but can occur anywhere on the...

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are blood-feeding insects whose bite can cause allergic reactions and skin rashes. They measure approximately 1/5 of an inch and are red/brown in color and wingless. Bed bugs are usually nocturnal. The preferred environment for bed bugs is a warm location, like the type found in or near beds.


A birthmark is a generally harmless irregularity on the skin caused by overgrowth of blood vessels, cells that contain pigment, smooth muscle and fat cells. Birthmarks can be flat or raised, have regular or irregular borders, and have different shades of coloring. Birthmarks earned their name as they appear at or shortly after birth. The two main types of birthmarks...

Botox® for Hyperhidrosis

Botox® reduces sweating by temporarily blocking the nerve impulses that stimulate the sweat glands. Treatment is required every 4-6 months.  

Botox® for Migraines

Botox® to treat chronic migraines is given at intervals of about 12 weeks as multiple injections around the head and neck to try to dull future headache symptoms


What is CellFX? CellFX is an advanced treatment that removes certain skin lesions, growths, and bumps. CellFX providers use the procedure to treat a variety of lesions on most areas of the body, including the face, neck, shoulders, back, legs, feet, and hands. What does CellFX treat? CellFX providers recommend treatment for a variety of skin conditions, including many types...

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a red, itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it. The rash isn’t contagious or life-threatening, but it can be very uncomfortable. Many substances can cause such reactions, including soaps, cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry and plants. To treat contact dermatitis successfully, you need to identify and avoid the cause of your...


Liquid nitrogen is applied to the growth with a spray device or cotton-tipped applicator. This freezes the tissue without requiring any cutting. This treatment is usually for pre-cancerous lesions and for the very earliest most superficial skin-cancer lesions. This treatment will result in some short-term blistering, and occasionally, long-term permanent discoloration leaving the skin white.


What Are Cysts? Cysts are closed, sac-like capsules that can develop anywhere on the body, including the skin or inside the body. Common areas where a cyst might develop include the face, neck, genitals, and internal organs. They're typically filled with fluid but can also be full of air, tissue, or another type of substance. It is best to think...


What is dandruff? Dandruff is a scalp condition that causes the shedding of the skin on the scalp. A very common condition, Dandruff affects approximately 50% of the population. What are the most common dandruff symptoms? An itchy scalp and flakes of dead skin on your scalp are the most common signs that you have dandruff. The flakes of skin...

Dry Skin

Dry skin, also called xerosis, is a common skin condition that can happen to anyone at any age. Nearly all dry skin conditions do not represent serious health issues; however, dry skin can be a symptom of diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or malnutrition.


What Is Eczema? Eczema is a common skin condition that affects more than 31 million people in the United States, according to the National Eczema Association (NEA). It causes dry, scaly skin with redness and itching, and blisters or tiny bumps with a rash-like appearance. In severe cases, the skin may form painful cracks that bleed and form a crust....

Electronic Skin Brachytherapy

Electronic skin brachytherapy is used in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer. A small surface applicator is applied to the skin, delivering low energy x-rays depending upon the tumor size, depth, patient age, prior treatments or other criteria as determined by a skin care professional.

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

What are the most common signs of aging skin? Wrinkles are the lines, folds, and creases that form in your skin over time. The first noticeable signs of fine lines and wrinkles usually develop where your skin is the thinnest and least elastic. Since we all age differently, not everyone will experience the same signs of aging. These are some...

Genital Warts

Genital warts are a common infection that is transmitted through sexual contact with someone who is infected with the human papillomavirus, also known as HPV. Genital warts can appear alone or in groups. They appear, as the name indicates, in the genital areas of both men and women and look like the common warts that appear elsewhere: that is, small,...


A hemangioma, also known as a strawberry mark, is a type of birthmark that is almost always benign and disappears by the age of 10. Hemangiomas rarely require any medical treatment; however, in some cases, medical intervention may be warranted if the hemangioma presents a cosmetic challenge (large and visible), or if it starts to change shape or color or...

Herpes Simplex

What Are Cold Sores? “Cold sore” is a general term for an oral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. Also known as fever blisters or oral herpes, cold sores are fluid-filled blisters that appear on, around, or inside your mouth. After the blisters break, scabs form that can last for several days. It usually takes 2-3 weeks for cold...

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a chronic, systemic condition where an overactive immune system contributes to inflammation below the skin. Symptoms of Hidradenitis Suppurativa may include multiple nodules and abscesses, inflammation in the dermis, malodorous discharge, sinus tracts, scarring, ulceration, and infection.


Perspiration is the body’s way of regulating the temperature in cases of extreme heat. Hyperhidrosis occurs when the perspiration is excessive and when temperature regulation triggers do not exist. Hyperhidrosis most often affects the: Palms Soles of the feet Groin area UnderarmsHyperhidrosis can cause nuisances such as the need to change clothing, but can also have a devastating effect in...


What is impetigo? Impetigo is a very contagious skin infection. It commonly affects children between the ages of two and six, although it’s possible for older children and adults to get impetigo. What causes impetigo? A bacterial infection causes impetigo. Bacteria enter the skin through a scrape, cut, or insect bite and cause an impetigo infection in the skin’s top...

Ingrown Nails

Ingrown nails occur when a nail grows into rather than over the surrounding flesh. Ingrown nails occur most often in the big toe. Ingrown nails are a common condition that can become extremely painful and could become infected unless proper treatment is sought. The overwhelming majority of ingrown nail cases are due to improper footwear, specifically, cramped shoes with insufficient...


What is lupus? Lupus is a long-term disease that can affect any area of the body. As an autoimmune disease, Lupus causes your immune system to attack healthy tissue in the body, resulting in pain, widespread inflammation, and tissue damage. Lupus affects many different systems of the body, including the skin, blood vessels, joints, lungs, heart, and kidneys. What causes...


Is Melanoma Cancer? Melanoma is the most dangerous and deadliest form of skin cancer. It begins in cells called melanocytes, which produce the pigment that gives skin its color. In comparison with other types of skin cancer, melanoma occurs less commonly, but it's considered more serious. It can quickly spread throughout the body if melanoma treatment isn't started early. Your...


Melasma appears on the face as sections of tan or dark skin not consistent with the patient’s normal skin color. Melasma usually appears slowly and is thought to be the result of sensitivity to hormonal changes. The dark facial patches are irregularly shaped and have no symptoms beyond their appearance. There are no long-term physiological effects of melasma; however, melasma...

Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery is the most effective treatment for the most common non-melanoma skin cancer such as basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. The Mohs procedure involves surgically removing skin cancer layer by layer and examining the tissue under a microscope until healthy, cancer-free tissue around the tumour is reached (called clear margins). Each Forefront Dermatology Mohs surgeon is specially trained...


What Are Moles? Moles, also called nevi, are an extremely common type of skin growth. They can develop anywhere on the body and are typically brown in color, although they can also appear black, tan, pink, blue, or red. Most moles have an oval or round shape, and they commonly develop during childhood or adolescence. It's normal for some moles...