Proactive Aging: How Men in Their 30s and 40s Can Benefit from Anti-Aging Products and Treatments

If you’re a man in your 30s or early 40s, you might not worry much about looking older. Although every person is different, usually the outward signs of aging—like balding, wrinkles, and the dreaded spare tire—don’t show up until about mid-life. But the march of time is inevitable, and doing something now will mean an easier fight when those signs do make themselves known. 

Typically, testosterone production begins to decline around 40, and that causes hair loss and a decrease in muscle mass (hello beer belly). The change in hormones also causes skin to lose its elasticity and thickness, leading to a less chiseled jawline and wrinkles around the eyes. On top of that, years in the sun, whether from work or play, begins to become evident at this age as brown spots pop up and skin takes on a more leathery appearance. Sure, that tan may still look great straight from the beach, but trust us, the damage is festering underneath.  

Fortunately, though, getting older is not all gloom and doom. While it’s impossible to stop some signs of aging, there are ways to preserve your youth for as long as possible—if you begin making smart choices now. Treating your body well, implementing a dedicated skincare routine, and seeking aesthetic treatments from trusted experts can help facilitate proactive aging. We’ll give you some tips to start you on the right foot.  

Proactive aging starts from within

While there are lots of great skin care products and treatments that help slow the aging process, nothing is as essential as a healthy lifestyle. Adopt these habits now if you want to stop the clock:  


Drinking water is essential to proactive aging. Not only does it flush out toxins that your body doesn’t need; it carries nutrients to areas that do. When you don’t drink enough water, your skin is also more likely to be dry, and dry skin is less elastic—making it more prone to forming fine lines and wrinkles.

Aim for about 4 liters of water per day. If your urine is not clear, you need to drink more.

Eat your colors 

We all love a good chicken wing, but proactive aging means eating a little less buffalo sauce and more fruits and veggies. Bright yellow peppers, broccoli, oranges, and tomatoes are just a few of the foods packed with vitamin C, which helps to combat illness and has been linked to better skin appearance, with notable decreases in skin wrinkling. According to research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, getting adequate vitamin C can also help prolong age-related cognitive decline (trust us, it won’t be long until you walk into a room and forget why you’re in there). 

Long story short? Reach for the fruit bowl next time you need a snack. 

Don’t skip workouts

Men in their 30s and 40s are busy, we get it! Running around kids to activities while also being at the peak of your career doesn’t leave much time for exercise. But being active can add years to your life by strengthening your heart, helping to maintain muscle mass, and making your skin look younger. Increased blood flow from exercise stimulates collagen production, and collagen improves skin elasticity, which means fewer wrinkles. 

If you don’t have time to hit the gym after work, go on a jog or bike ride with the family. Or, invest in a treadmill and a few dumbbells. The rewards will be well worth it when you’re the youngest looking dad on the block.   

Get plenty of sleep

When we sleep, the body undergoes an amazing repair process. Not only do tired muscles heal, but the skin has its highest levels of blood flow, which increases body temperature and helps repair badly damaged skin. This is also a peak time when collagen and new skin cells produce, which is why we wake up looking refreshed when we get enough sleep. 

It’s when we don’t catch enough Z’s that all havoc breaks loose. Sleep deprivation is intricately linked to stress, and the stress hormone cortisol can lead to inflammation, breakouts, and premature aging in our skin. So if you’re not getting at least 7 hours of sleep at night, hit the hay earlier. You’ll be surprised at how much better you look and feel. 

Cut back on booze

You don’t have to give up happy hour every Friday, but just know that the after-effects of a few beers now is much different than in your 20s. While alcohol is dehydrating at any age, that lack of hydration can make you look older now that your skin is getting thinner and less elastic. Alcohol also disrupts your circadian rhythm, so you’re less likely to sleep deeply enough to reap the skin-healing benefits mentioned above.    

If you don’t want to give up drinking altogether, opt for a lower-percentage beverage. And make sure to have a glass of water between every drink.    

Follow a proven skin care regimen for proactive aging

Splashing water on your face is no longer enough to get the day started. As you approach middle age, these products will need to be added to your daily routine. 

Step 1: A gentle cleanser

There’s a common misconception that men’s facial cleansers need to smell manly, or have a manly name. But the truth is that the best cleansers don’t contain perfumes, or even need “man” on the label. The only goal of a cleanser should be to remove dirt and debris twice a day without irritating skin or stripping away natural oils. Your dermatologist can recommend a gentle product. Cerave or Cetaphil are usually safe options. 

Step 2: Hyaluronic acid serum

This may sound girly, but it’s a key component for proactive aging. Hyaluronic acid helps the skin hold on to water, so it keeps the skin hydrated, plump, and soft — all of which help to prevent wrinkles and improve elasticity.

Step 3: Moisturizer

While hyaluronic acid serum helps attract moisture to the skin, it doesn’t seal that moisture in — which is why you need to apply moisturizer over the top. Men’s skin is prone to being oily since it produces more sebum than women’s, so just make sure to look for an oil-free product.

Step 4: Sunscreen

Research shows that by age 41, the average person has accumulated 74% of their lifetime exposure levels to UV rays, which is why 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the time they’re 70. Before it’s too late, reduce your risk by applying sunscreen (on top of your moisturizer) every morning before you leave the house — and make sure to reapply often when spending lots of time at the pool, ballgame or soccer field.

Don’t be afraid to seek help from skin care experts

Despite following a healthy lifestyle and taking good care of your skin, you may begin noticing more creases, spots, and rough patches in places where they weren’t before. Luckily, dermatologists and aestheticians can provide non-invasive treatments to help restore your skin and help you hold on to your youth as long as possible. Best of all? They don’t take long and you can go home the same day. 

Chemical peels

Out with the old, in with the new; that’s basically the principle of this treatment. After numbing your face, a provider applies a chemical solution to the face, the skin blisters and peels, essentially getting rid of sun damage, weathered skin, acne scars, and fine lines. Within a week or two, smooth, even-toned, more youthful skin grows back. The depth to which the skin is penetrated varies depending on whether you have a light, medium, or deep chemical peel. Your provider will discuss which option is best for you based on your skin condition and goals. 


Guys have larger pores and produce more oil than women. Plus, they’re likely to deal with razor bumps from shaving. A facial addresses all of these issues by clearing out gunk in pores and reducing inflammation (yes, it’s safer for an expert to squeeze your zits than for you to do it at home). First, your face will be thoroughly cleaned, then exfoliated to remove dead skin cells from the top layer (a.k.a. epidermis). Next, the face is steamed to open up pores for easy extraction of blackheads and dirt. A mask might be offered at the end to enhance collagen production (which is the protein responsible for keeping skin tight).    

Jaw filler

If you’ve noticed a loss of definition in your jawline, you’re not alone. As skin becomes thinner and gravity takes its toll, it’s natural for the jaw to take on more of a saggy jowl appearance. Placing dermal filler into the jawline can replace lost volume in the skin and stimulate collagen production, bringing back the definition and contour that makes you look younger. Rumor has it that Brad Pitt has had jaw contouring to restore his chiseled look.  


After 30-40 years of using the same muscles to make facial expressions, those muscles will inevitably stay contracted and form wrinkles (such as frown lines between the eyebrows, and crow’s feet next to the eyes). Botox is a neurotoxin that relaxes those muscles to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It’s injected into the target area via tiny needles and lasts around four months. If you don’t yet have fine lines when your face is at rest, “preventative Botox” can be injected to prevent excessive frowning, furrowing or squinting.

 And don’t worry about Botox making your face look frozen. A skilled practitioner will know how to produce subtle changes that take years off of your life with no major telltale signs.    

Ready to begin your journey to proactive aging? Contact a Forefront provider.

While a few gray hairs can look dignified on a man, we recognize that not everyone is comfortable with their looks as they age. And it will be you who notices the difference first.

The good news is you have the power to slow the process for as long as possible—and you don’t have to do it alone. Forefront practitioners would be happy to discuss the best skin care products for helping you grow old gracefully, and non-invasive treatments to help you press rewind…or at least pause. Contact a location near you to get started.