A little-known skin issue that many people experience, especially during the winter months, is deep tears on the bottom of the toes or feet. The best way to explain it is a section of your toe has peeled apart, but if you were to pull on that skin, it goes deep into the toe, it’s not something you can just pick off.
Does it have an official name? Not really. But what are these skin tears on your toes, and what can you do?
Skin tears on toes can be a result of a few underlying issues:
- Dry Skin
- Walking barefoot
- Fungal infections, such as Athlete’s foot
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
Skin tears on toes are treated mostly at home with over-the-counter products, but we have the following recommendations on caring for your feet during this time:
- Do not pull at the torn skin; instead, opt to cut off the torn skin with a sterilized scissor or fingernail clipper. Do not cut too close to the base of your skin that you would cause bleeding or a cut.
- Cover the skin tear two to three times a day with a petroleum jelly such as Vaseline or Aquaphor.
- Use an antibiotic ointment such as Polysporin if the area appears mildly infected. Cover with a band-aid or sock.
- If the tear or crack is extremely deep, it usually will not heal with an ointment. Instead, opt for a liquid skin bandage that will completely seal the tear. No prescription is needed for a liquid bandage.
For continued prevention, apply advanced strength foot cream daily to your entire foot. Many people find that applying this, followed by wearing socks, helps keep the feet from drying out. If you are prone to dry feet, cracks, and tears, avoid walking barefoot and instead opt for cotton socks with well-fitting shoes that allow your feet to breathe.
Are your feet suffering?
Sometimes the skin on your feet will not improve even with at-home care. If this is you, the board-certified dermatologists at Forefront Dermatology are here to find a successful treatment plan for you. Find a location near you and schedule your appointment today.