
Case of the Month

Past Cases

Ulcerated nodule on his left conchal bowl

HISTORY: An 80+ year old male presented to clinic with a large, painful, ulcerated 2.5 cm nodule on his left conchal bowl.  On further questioning he reported the growth present and enlarging for over a year.  Biopsy was performed; pathology shown below. Using the clinicopathologic correlation, what is your diagnosis?

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A 94 y.o. male presents a nodule on the right anterior neck, present for two years and growing

Metastatic thyroid cancer, follicular type

HISTORY: A 80+ year old male presents with a nodule on the right anterior neck, present for two years and growing. The patient reported a history of right thyroidectomy in 2010 and review of systems was otherwise negative. Exam showed a 1 cm, mobile, non-tender nodule. A biopsy was performed

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