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Forefront Dermatology continues to be in-network with Humana Medicare Advantage as of January 1, 2025. Learn more. close

Cutera is a non-invasive laser technology to reduce active acne and acne scars, shrink large pores and improve diffuse redness from acne and inflammation with no downtime.

How does Cutera work ?

The Genesis V procedure utilizes non-invasive, and gentle laser technology to safely, and effectively treat fine line wrinkles, diffuse redness and scars.

What can Cutera treat ?

  • Safely and gently treat diffused redness
  • Fades acne scarring
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines
  • Promotes a healthy look

What results can be expected from Cutera ?

Most patients require four to six treatments to achieve optimal results. You can expect to see consistent results after each treatment. Treatments can be performed in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of topical anesthetics or gel.

Over the course of four to five treatments, Genesis V can help restore the skin’s healthy glow and appearance. The individual treatment results are subtle, but multiple treatments can be more dramatic.

Get Cutera® Genesis V treatment at O'Fallon, Illinois

This Forefront Dermatology clinic, is led by board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Scott Carrizales, offering Cutera® Genesis V treatment to the residents of O'Fallon, Illinois.

Call (618) 726-1080 or fill out the consult form to request your appointment today.

Interested in Cutera® Genesis V Treatment? Request a consultation with a skin specialist today.

*Age Restriction.
For patients scheduling who are under 18 years of age (19 in Alabama) please make sure you have permission from your parent or legal guardian to schedule this appointment.  Your parent or legal guardian must accompany you on your initial visit and on certain subsequent visits to provide appropriate informed consent.