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PRP is a component of the blood that stimulates the repair and regeneration of tissues. When introduced into the skin with other treatments such as microneedling, PRP increases collagen production and speeds up the healing process.

How Can PRP Rejuvenate My Skin?

Certain cosmetic treatments such as microneedling and certain lasers create tiny microchannels in the skin, causing it to repair itself and produce new collagen. When PRP is applied to the treated skin, it is easily absorbed and takes the treatment benefits deeper. PRP not only improves treatment results, but also accelerates the healing process.

Benefits include:

  • Increase collagen production
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tighter, firmer skin
  • Improved moisture retention
  • Enhance skin tone and texture

What Are PRP Treatments Like for Skin Rejuvenation?

First, the skin is cleansed and numbing cream is applied. Next, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm using a fine needle. The PRP is separated from the other components of the blood using a centrifuge. After the skin is numbed and cleansed again, the skin rejuvenation treatment is performed. PRP is incorporated as follows:

  • PRP is applied while the treatment is being performed to carry the PRP deeper into the skin via the tiny needles.
  • PRP is applied to the treated skin immediately after the treatment when the skin is at its most absorbent.

Am I a Good Candidate for a PRP for Skin Rejuvenation?

PRP for skin rejuvenation is right for nearly everyone. However, people with certain clotting conditions requiring the regular use of blood thinners or other blood-related disorders are not the ideal candidate for this treatment. You may be a good candidate if you:

  • Suffer from acne scars
  • Are afflicted by hyperpigmentation
  • Want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Want tighter, firmer skin
  • Have uneven skin tone
  • Have dry skin
  • Feel your skin looks older than it should

Get PRP for Skin Rejuvenation treatment at Santa Barbara, California

This Forefront Dermatology clinic, is led by board-certified dermatologists, Dr. Sean Condon and Dr. Dannie Chang, offering PRP for Skin Rejuvenation treatment to the residents of Santa Barbara, California.

Call (805) 682-7874 or fill out the consult form to request your appointment today.

Interested in PRP for Skin Rejuvenation Treatment? Request a consultation with a skin specialist today.

*Age Restriction.
For patients scheduling who are under 18 years of age (19 in Alabama) please make sure you have permission from your parent or legal guardian to schedule this appointment.  Your parent or legal guardian must accompany you on your initial visit and on certain subsequent visits to provide appropriate informed consent.