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Xeomin® has been proven safe and effective in clinical trials for cosmetic uses. If you have frown or forehead lines, crow’s feet, smile lines around your eyes, or all of these.

How does Xeomin® work?

Xeomin is the Botox alternative, it’s an injectable facial treatment containing botulinum toxin type A, the same active ingredient in Botox and Dysport, and works the same way. Xeomin injections will make you appear more relaxed, less tired and your face will appear more youthful.

What can Xeomin® Treat?

  • Frown lines
  • Crow’s feet
  • Smile lines

What Results Can Be Expected from Xeomin®?

Wrinkle reduction varies among patients and improvement typically lasts 3 to 4 months before another treatment is necessary. The time between injections increases with repeated treatments, sometimes up to 6 months to maintain the benefits.

Get Xeomin® for Wrinkle Reduction treatment at Arlington, Virginia

This Forefront Dermatology clinic, is led by board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Rhett Kent, offering Xeomin® for Wrinkle Reduction treatment to the residents of Arlington, Virginia.

Call (571) 363-4791 or fill out the consult form to request your appointment today.

Interested in Xeomin® for Wrinkle Reduction Treatment? Request a consultation with a skin specialist today.