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in Fairfax, VA

What is Vanquish?

Do you spend hours at the gym and eat a healthy diet, yet still have stubborn areas of fat that refuse to budge? Vanquish may be the solution for you.

Vanquish is a revolutionary, FDA-approved device that selectively targets fat with fine-tuned heat energy, providing safe and effective fat removal without the cost or recovery of surgery.

What sets Vanquish apart from other non-invasive fat removal procedures?

Vanquish is the only contactless fat removal device on the market, allowing us to comfortably treat larger areas with better results – and at a more affordable cost.

Vanquish is also available to patients with any body mass index (BMI), not just 30 or above like most other fat removal devices.


How does the Vanquish fat removal device work?

Featuring the largest treatment spot size in the industry, Vanquish offers a full flank-to-flank body treatment that leaves no unevenness or lines behind. While you lie flat, the device uses radio-frequency energy to target and destroy fat cells by heating them.

Although this energy penetrates deep into fat layers, the device never touches you – leaving the surface skin and tissue above the fat layers unaffected.

What does Vanquish fat removal treatment feel like?

Get ready to relax! Because Vanquish is contactless, all you will typically feel is a warm sensation in the targeted area, like being covered with a warm blanket.

Each session typically lasts 30-45 minutes. However, the warm sensation may last for a few hours post-treatment.

Is there any downtime with Vanquish?

No, most patients can return to their everyday activities immediately after Vanquish treatment.

What results are expected with Vanquish fat removal?

Some Vanquish patients begin to see results after a single session, with more pronounced results after subsequent sessions. The majority of patients will drop a full clothing size and lose anywhere from 2-5 inches after the entire treatment (four sessions total, with one session per week).

The expansive spot size on the Vanquish device allows us to treat larger areas of the body, requiring fewer sessions than other non-surgical fat removal methods – while still delivering rapid results.

How long will Vanquish results last?

Because Vanquish kills the entire fat cell (rather than just the fat inside the cell), the results should be long-lasting, especially if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many patients feel more motivated to take care of themselves after getting this head start to a better-looking body.

The targeted fat cells are gone forever – however, other fat cells still remain. If you gain weight, these cells will expand, but you should see less fat in the treated area(s).

Does Vanquish fat removal really work?

Yes, it does! For more information about Vanquish fat removal, including cost, patient reviews, and before-and-after pictures (because seeing is believing), ask your Forefront dermatologist.

Find a fat removal solution like no other. Book a consultation with a skin care expert today.

2 Locations in the Fairfax, VA area

Interested in Vanquish? Request a consultation with a skin specialist today.

*Treatment options may vary at each location.
Please confirm your desired treatment is offered at your preferred location when scheduling.
*Age Restriction.
For patients scheduling who are under 18 years of age (19 in Alabama) please make sure you have permission from your parent or legal guardian to schedule this appointment.  Your parent or legal guardian must accompany you on your initial visit and on certain subsequent visits to provide appropriate informed consent.